irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mad Muslim

There is another row going on about Muslims wearing the
veil. This time it's a teacher in a british school who just a few
weeks ago started work in a secondary school and wears the veil
although she did not wear it at her interview.
She insists it is her right and that it is just something she feels
she has to do but I know I would hate to have my kids taught
by someone dressed like this.
And regardless of a person's religion we are all members of the
society we live in and dressing like this is little short of an insult
to the rest of us. There is also the question of mental heath.
People who feel the need to cover themselves like this have serious
psychiatric problems. Just now 20/10/06 there has been a Muslim
woman talking on BBC Radio Five Live. She was asked why she
wore the veil and in a mad rambling way went on about Allah and
all that , none of it made any sense and when pressed as to why
Allah wanted women to dress like this she started on about sex.
And what she said was that it prevented rape. And that if she
walked down the street without it she would be uncomfortable
with men looking at her 'naked ' face etc. She also said that in
the past before she wore the veil that men were constantly
making sexual advance to her.
In the interview the reporter did not really push the issue hard
but had she done so she might have asked her why a relatively large
number of Muslim men were involved in serious sexual offences.

But ultimatly there is no point in trying to bring logic
to a debate like this as it has nothing to do with logic or even
sanity. Suffice to say that ANYONE who feels a need to cover
their face as a matter of principle is mad. To dress covered
all over in black like the woman in the potograph is just not
normal. To do so because some mad man claimed to be in
touch God and to have had 'messages' from him has said you
should is a dangerous level of insanity.
It is of course also a rejection of me and my values. A very
public rejection of everything I belive in. So if you insist
on dressing in this very unsocial manner don't expect me
to either like it or respect your reasons for doing so.


Blogger Thomas said...

Fair comment - you are completely correct in what you say.

2:18 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

I agree dont care one bit if she wears it at home in a mosque etc but sometimes to be able to see the face is necessary and i think this is one of those cases. Children need to see the mouth movement so they can learn how to pronounce words. Also what about deaf children this is going to stop them from being able to lip read and therefore prevent their education where are their rights?

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12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sort of agree with you. but I also think people should have the right to wear what they want. if someone wants to roam around naked, it should be allowed and same with this. though both are absolutely ridiculous.. but yeah i agree that if its done just because someone said god wants u wear that... is a joke

6:26 AM  
Blogger Lex Luthor said...

I say take it off, and not so I can check you out, but so I don't think your checking me out.

7:18 AM  

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