irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

You can all join in

It's just gone 6:00 pm and I have arrived home after
visiting my local charity shop. I managed to find an LP
there while I was rooting around the junk. It's called,
"you can all join in" and features Jethro Tull, Spooky
Tooth, Free and several other groups from the 70's.
I would have been happy with this find if it were
not for the fact that as I walked in the door of the shop
a young girl was on her way out with some Beatles and
Pink Floyd records which sort of took the good out of
the one I got.
But its a beautifull sunny evening here so I was not
too down about it. I have been back in my flat now for
an hour or so and the girl in the flat next to me is singing
her lungs out with the help of a karaoke machine while
the young men in the flat below are playing thump, thump
thump music. This kind of thing is going on every night
and has been doing so for years but as I mentioned in
one of my earlier posts I have no rights as a tenant here.
I spend a lot of time walking the street to get away from
the noise. And to have to do that, to have to walk the streets
because you just can't sit in your home ( for it is my home)
is dreadfull. But in Ireland if you don't own property
then you are just not regarded as a citizen. You have no
rights. None. So your rights are dependant on your wealth.
And if you don't have money.......


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