irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Naked elvis

It seems that in order to get traffic to come to a page like
this, that is more visitors, it is necessary to include key words.
If for instance your writing about about Elvis then to mention
that he was a great Gospel Singer and better than most of Black
Gospel Singers is guaranteed to up ones place in a search
engine. To remark on his contribution to Rock 'n Roll and to
his Gold Records and the fact of his being from Memphis. Just
naming these phrase or words is enough or so I've read to
increase the number of people visiting. At least that's what I
have read, its what the experts say, but whether it works or
not I have no idea. This Elvis essay is my way of finding out.
What would happen if I inserted a phrase such as Naked Elvis.
Or to say yet again that he is the Greatest Gospel singer of
all time which if not true is not too far off the mark.
The first record I ever got was "Let's have a Party"
and I still listen to it to this day. And my favorite dvd of him
is his last concert when he had become Fat and unhealthy.
His voice never deserted him and these last Concerts were
in my humble opinion his Greatest. I would like to have
met him just to say thank you for all the pleasure he brought
into our lives.
I have never been to Graceland and never will I guess but
then again I don't need to visit a monument, all I have do is
listen to him singing "Walk a mile in my Shoes". It says
everything that needs to be said.


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