irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Friday, June 23, 2006

Muslim Abortion

I've never been in favour of abortion but having just
been reading some muslim blogs I could not help reflecting
on the fact that if all muslim were to have abortions we
would no longer have to be offended by the presence of these
sick moral perverts.
And just in case you feel that this is a bit extreme then spare
a thought for all those muslim children who are brainwashed
into so many twisted beliefs all in the name of some warped morality.

There is nothing 'reasonable' about reasonable debate with
such people.

Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where such child
molesters did not exist. And why are there no laws to protect
children from the forced indoctrination from these thugs?.

I am, and have been, for a long time now convinced that all
these muslims have some profound sexual problems. In fact
all these primitives are it seems obsessed by sexual 'morality'.

If you ever want to find out what muslim morality is really
all about then all you have to do is check out the video footage
of muslim executions which you can find on the 'web'. There is
one paticular video of a Japanese man having his head cut off
after he spent a long time screaming for his life to be spared.

............' like the man said "if it looks like a pig and grunts".


Blogger Islam And The West said...

You have some very interesting opinions about Muslims. Should I be scared about you and the fantasy you hold ?

4:37 PM  
Blogger irishart said...

No , you should not be scared of me. But if you , or your wife or sister live in a muslim country then you have every reason to fear....
There are thousands in muslim countries who would like to say .."to hell with all religion " but they can't do this because if they do they will be made to suffer...there are plenty of children in muslim countries who feel this way (and with good reason ) but they have to keep their mouths shut , not because they are right or wrong but because force will be used against them.... it's all based on violence. If you doubt it just go to a muslim country and try critizing the religion. They will use violence to stop you. Make no mistake about it , it all comes down to violence. It really does all come down to one group of people telling others what they can and cannot do and say.....and for what.........for what!!!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Islam And The West said...

if you say so.

It appears that your views and beliefs have been formed after a great deal of research and experience. There is no way that I as a born Muslim and one who has lived in a number of different Muslim countries will be able to say anything that can change your mind.

I am not going to give you a point by point rebuttal of each of your comments, suffice to say if its written it must be true.

11:23 PM  

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