irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pamela Anderson

I was in town today here in Dublin. I was just wandering
around the record shops looking for some LP's. When I got
as far as Grafton Street there was a large crowd of people
outside Brown Thomas Stores which is where the wealthy
in Dublin like to be seen shopping. As I say , there was quite
a crowd. 'A red carpet on the street leading to the main door
of the shop and a few bodyguard types. I stopped to look in
the way you do in a situation like that and overheard someone
say that Pamela Anderson was in the shop.

I only stood there for a few minutes and then went on my
way but I could not help wondering as to why people should
hang around for hours just to get a glimse of some 'celebrity'.

When I got home this evening I saw her visit featured on the
t.v. news and there was a couple in the crowd who said they
had traveled from Britain that morning just to see her.

Why...... why do people react like this just because someone
is a celebrity. And why were the police there blocking off part
of the public street......
.....................'ask a silly question'.....


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