irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm not mad,'just smiling.

I have been trying to set up a new web site the
last few days. Its to be about car boot sales and
things like that in Ireland. Its one of those things that
looks easy but isn't and involves a lot of old fashioned
hard work. But I shouldn't complain as I have nothing
else to do. Besides, when I woke up this morning I was
breathing and that's always a good start and I'm still
breathing so that means things could be worse.
And if it sounds as if I'm waffling well that's because
I am but this is what you do if like me you have a
blog to fill in and no news to put in it. The reason that
I have no news is that I don't do anything, I don't
see anyone and my life is quite empty. In case that
sounds like self pity or something like that its not but
if you have little money and no job then after a while
you begin to lose contact with people and eventually
end up talking to yourself all day.
I honestly have no friends. I go for a walk wandering
around Dublin for the best part of four hours talking to
nobody and come home and just sit in front of my computer
for the rest of the evening and night. Apart from the guy
who lives next door to me I have not spoken to ANYONE
in about four years. That may sound a bid odd and even
extreme but it just happens to be the truth.
It's nothing short of a miracle that I haven't gone mad.
But then again maybe I have. Maybe I'm just stupid.
Maybe it just dosn't matter either way.


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