irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Noise pollution

Every day the noise from the flat below me goes Boom,Boom,
Boom destroying my peace and quiet. The music, if that's what
I can call it is out and out pollution. There are plenty of
regulations to prohibit this nuisance but for someone like me
who is at the mercy of a private landlord there might as well
be no regulations. My health is suffering and the quality of
life for me has gone out the window. But of course I don't
matter. The law does not protect people of no property.
When I wake up in the morning I am acutely aware that I
am not valued in this society, indeed I'm conscious of it every
minute of the day. So I walk the streets for hours just to get
away from noise. Much of the time I cannot as much as eat.
Noise can have that effect, it can make you physically sick
and nauseous. There are noise abatement laws but they are
not there to protect me or my kind.
'Sorry to be sounding so miserable but its hard not to as
this is going on every single day and unfortuantly I have no
way out. My landlord could put me out on the street
tomorrow if I insisted he do something about it so it just
goes on and on and on.
I have no way out.


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