irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Saturday, July 01, 2006


The room I live in is like an oven. It faces east (I think) so
I get the full heat of the sun all day. I live in just this one room
so it's not just hot but crowded too. All my worldly goods and
chattel are piled up here and there all around me. I hate it.
I went up the road today to get some exercise and a bit
of air and dropped into a few charity shops while I was at it.
As usual I came home with more junk. This time some more
LP records. Dylan , The Beatles , Billy Fury and stuff like that.
It just keeps building up and to be honest gives me little if
any pleasure. I'm killing time just now wating for the football
(England v...'whoever) to start. After that I will look at some
blogs. And so..........another exciting day......
Tomorrow will be much the same....and the next day ......
and the next. But it could be worse. I could be a muslim.


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