irish art now
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 and other fairy tales

There is a lot on tv today about what happened just
five years ago and just about all of it is little short of embarrassing.
And all the whole thing proves is that Americans will belive
anything. The fact that the USA had for years been invading
and intefering in the affairs of other nations... that it had
toppled many democraticly elected governments ....I could go
on and on..
In Chile , not so long ago , they brought the people out into
football stadiums before killing them...and the USA were cheering
the whole time , having financed the coup in the first place.
But there is no point. The people who carried out 9/11 were
trained by the US. They were created by the US....
........'but there is really no point....

pick a really nasty South American state......The US is
its biggest backer......think of any South American state that
tortures it own people and then look to see who is supporting
it goes on and on .....and they never learn.
Cuba has one of the greatest health services in the world.
But the US wants that to change. They want a free Cuba...
..with prostitution , drugs , white slavery (just like in eastern
europe ) ...and of course it is not only America.. .... the 'collapse'
of communism was cheered by every drug pusher and pimp
in the world.....the spread of 'democracy' is something that
every pusher pimp will be in favour of.

The reality is that there is precious little democracy in the
USA. If you are an American then democracy is something that
you have never experienced......
but there is no point ...
..people belive what they want and this has nothing to do
with any reality or logic or even common sense.

And the terrorists?
They are doing fine. They always do fine. They retire in wealth.
It's an old story.
......and the big men in the back rooms count the money....
'cause in the US there's always some men in a back room somewhere
counting the money.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I may not agree with anything you just said, I'm happy to share info on my camera as you requested....

I added camera info to my about page.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Thomas said...

Terrorism is a business & US governments always make thrillions out of the whole thing...

10:59 PM  

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